HOA and Condo Association Elections: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted on September 22, 2023
HOA and Condo Association Elections: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re a board member or a unit owner, understanding the election process is essential for maintaining a well-functioning community.

In this article, we’ll explore the essential steps to run a successful HOA or condo association election.


1. Determine Open Seats and Candidates


Before diving into the election process, it’s vital to determine which seats on the board are up for election.

Most condo associations follow their bylaws to decide whether all trustees are changing simultaneously or if there’s a rotating expiration of terms, such as three years, two years, and one year. Once you know which seats need to be filled, you can proceed.


2. Nomination of Candidates

Nomination of Candidates


The next step is to identify individuals interested in running for the open positions. Here’s how you can manage this:


  • Incumbent Board Members: Reach out to any current board members whose terms are expiring and inquire if they wish to run for re-election.


  • Unit Owner Nominations: Send out an email or paper form to all unit owners, inviting them to express their interest in running for the board. Typically, interested candidates will fill out a form, explaining why they should be nominated or elected.


3. Share Candidate Information


Collect all the nominations and candidate information. This data should be made available to all unit owners well before the annual meeting (or a special meeting, if necessary). This transparency allows residents to be informed about who is running for board positions.


4. Holding the Election

Holding the Election


The election can be conducted at either the annual meeting or a special meeting if circumstances require it.

To proceed with the election, you’ll need to meet the quorum requirement, which is often based on either a majority of unit owners or ownership percentage. Usually, a 51% or greater representation is required to establish a quorum.

There are different methods to run the election, including:


  • Paper Ballots: Distribute paper ballots to unit owners who attend the meeting. They can cast their votes on-site.


  • Electronic Voting: If the meeting is not held in person, you can send electronic ballots to unit owners. Electronic voting provides flexibility and convenience.


5. Announcing the Results


Once the election is concluded and the votes are counted, announce the results to everyone involved. Verify the vote count to ensure accuracy.


6. Documentation and Transition


To formally install the new board member(s) and conclude the election process, a few essential documents need to be prepared and executed:


  • Resignation of Current Board Member: If a new member is replacing an existing one, a resignation letter from the outgoing member may be required.


  • Notice of Acceptance: The newly elected board member must provide written acceptance of their position.


These documents should be signed, notarized, and recorded with the local registry to formalize the transition.


Ensuring a Seamless HOA Election


By following these steps, you can effectively manage and run a smooth HOA or condo association election. Clear communication, transparency, and adherence to the bylaws are key to ensuring the integrity of the process.

If you’re seeking guidance on running an election or managing your condo association, consider Boston HOA Management. We offer more than property management; we provide peace of mind.

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